Ollie Gunner

My Projects


Throughout my journey in the dynamic world of UX/UI Design and Animation, I’ve had the privilege of embarking on a wide array of exciting adventures. These projects have taken me through diverse landscapes, collaborating with teams of varying sizes and tackling an assortment of challenges. Here, I’m thrilled to introduce you to some of my most cherished journeys.

These projects aren’t just pieces of my portfolio; they’re stories of creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving that have left an indelible mark on my professional and personal growth. Each one has a unique flavor, reflecting the rich tapestry of experiences that have shaped me as a designer and animator.

As you dive into these featured projects, you’ll get a glimpse of my passion for crafting meaningful user experiences and visually captivating animations. They are the fruits of countless brainstorming sessions, design iterations, and late-night caffiene-induced moments.

While these are just a selection, they represent the diversity of my skills and the breadth of my experience. Feel free to explore, and if any project resonates with you or sparks curiosity, I’d love to chat more about the journey behind it and how it could align with your goals.

  • All
  • Featured
  • Motion Design
  • UX/UI

Other Projects

For every project, there’s a unique story to be told. In my ‘Other Projects’ section, you’ll find a collection of experiences where I played a crucial role but didn’t have the opportunity to create full-fledged case studies. These projects may be shorter on words but are just as rich in impact.

While I couldn’t provide in-depth breakdowns for all, rest assured that each project has been a stepping stone in my journey, contributing to my growth as a UX/UI professional. The brevity of these entries doesn’t diminish their significance; it merely highlights my capacity to excel in diverse environments and adapt to various challenges.

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to learn more about any specific project or explore how my skills and expertise can benefit your team. These projects are a testament to my dedication to making every user interaction memorable, and I look forward to discussing them with you in more detail.

Any Questions?

I’m always open to chatting about your next idea, project or role. Drop me an email and let’s see what magic we can create together.

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